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Quote of the masterclass
— Kathy Frogosa

If you like what you hear, I expand on SOUL framework in my signature Financial Goals with Soul program:

  • S - settle on your bandwidth 

  • O - optimize your time

  • U - utilize your money, in order to

  • L - live your best life

Like a cozy security blanket, I came back to this and realized I'm in a rebirth season and my bandwidth is a little low right now. 

I participated in a diversity, equity, and inclusion workshop this week and I'm stunned by the candid opinions shared. 

Comments like, "What difference does taking down a statue make? It's history."

And, "I was told 'you all really like your bright colors' when I wore a yellow dress to work."

These are the conversations that have to happen in order to incite change. It's all about the hard work of listening to understand.

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